Self-help authors and politicians seem to agree on at least one thing: mindset matters. The shelves of bookstores worldwide are awash with motivational books...
A term first coined by the Japanese government, “Society 5.0” describes "A human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems...
Neil Harbisson calls himself a cyborg. Without the antenna implanted in his skull, he would not be able to see colour of any kind....
In a recent session on smart building cybersecurity, a student cheekily asked me "How did we ever connect anything before 5G?" At that moment...
More than half of the world’s population lives in cities. The UN estimates that by 2050 that proportion will be 68% - more than...
From The Jetsons to Blade Runner, to Back to the Future, to A.I. to The 5th Element, popular culture has long been fascinated by...
Technologies that could change the world have been a popular topic for the past half century. True, the predictions that everyone would drive flying...
Getting smart about security in smart systems
Smart used to be something we called people or pets. It wasn't a term one would use to...
Canada’s rankings in innovation has lagged that of other peer nations for decades despite government efforts to address this issue. Considering its success in...
Humans are moving to cities at an unprecedented rate. Today 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas with that number expected to...
A growing number of today’s entertainment options show protagonists battling cyber-attacks that target the systems at the heart of our critical infrastructure whose failure...
How important privacy is for building smart cities and embracing the IoT
In the 60s cartoon The Jetsons, the family lived in a futuristic city...
Below is my attempt to list of all published 5G, IoT and "Smart Everything"-related security guidelines, frameworks and standards. If you are aware of...